Thursday, July 19, 2007
Birds of Prey #108

Gail Simone's final issue of Birds of Prey crept up on me; I found this comic as satisfying as the recent Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1, or Simone's own Villains United Infinite Crisis Special #1, and I look forward very much to her work on Wonder Woman.
I won't spoil the issue, but Simone clearly understands that certain kinds of stories have to end with the heroine and her antagonist squaring off against one another, mano a mano.
Here's a few of the many things Simone achieved in her run on on Birds of Prey:
— She successfully integrated the One Year Later concept into her book
— Never let us forget that Oracle is the Silver Age Batgirl
— Placed Black Canary at the top tier of martial artists and heroes
— Rejected the Huntress' midriff-baring uniform
— Originated Black Alice
— Integrated Zinda Blake (the Lady Blackhawk) and Big Barda into the team
— Re-wrote Ice's death
— Provided the only memorial (that I know of) to Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)
— Produced a humane, character driven, action-packed comic on schedule
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Those are all excellent points. I'm excited Gail's going to Wonder Woman, but I'll miss her writing on BoP.
What's wrong with bare midriffs? Yes that outfit looks a little gratuitous but is that really worse than Powergirl's costume?
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